Fear and Greed index today, daily update

Brief Introduction:
Fear and Greed index is the a scale to measure how fearful or greedy people are right now(today). It ranges between 0-100, 0 being the highist fear(extreme fear) & no greed And 100 being the highest greed(extreme greed) & no fear.

Change Note: The Fear and Greed index chart update daily.
Fear & Greed index comes out by analyzing emotions and sentiments from different sources and crunch them into one simple number: The Fear & Greed Index for Bitcoin and other large cryptocurrencies.
Latest Crypto Fear & Greed Index

The crypto market conduct is exceptionally enthusiastic. Individuals will in general get eager when the market is rising which brings about FOMO (Fear of passing up a major opportunity). Additionally, individuals frequently sell their coins in unreasonable response of seeing red numbers. With our Fear and Greed Index, we attempt to save you from your own enthusiastic overreations. There are two basic suspicions:
- Extreme fear can be a sign that investors are too worried. That could be a buying opportunity. - When Investors are getting too greedy, that means the market is due for a correction.

The conclusion of the discussion is that when everyone has too much fear and does not interested to buy its a bullish indecator and you should buy at that time because you get the most when you go against the crowd. Simillarly when everyone is greedy and want to buy at any cost you should be careful at that time because at that time its most dangerous as the price likely to go down soon. This is what my understading is, its not a financial advice you have to do your own research. If you will study deeply about this topic you will be able to conclude that what written in this article is correct. Keep smiling and enjoy :).

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